Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Mirror Got to Me, But Not the Tape Measure!

Yesterday was kind of, well, I went from being kind of on high to touching ground again.

I get so very excited about progress. Pounds lost, inches melted away and I get to where I am just floating. Yesterday morning that was me. I was just on high. Super excited! Then I took a good look in the mirror. A really good look. And I came back to earth.

I am not sad, depressed or frustrated. Just livin' in reality. I remembered (not that I truly forgot), how far I have to go. Its a long journey. I don't like the way I look. I want it GONE, NOW! But alas, it doesn't work that way!! LOL Unfortunately gaining weight is as easy as putting that doughnut in my mouth but losing that doughnut takes hours of work, lots of determination and pain! I enjoy exercising, but I can't say I love it, yet. I'm getting there. Yesterday was a pivotal point because usually when I start to think of the LONG road ahead, I get discouraged and grab a ding dong. I didn't though. I kept to the plan.

So the mirror got to me. But this morning I decided that I needed to "see" some change so I did measurements. I am very happy with the results.

Down another 4.25 inches over various body regions!! I'll take that. Another reminder that its working. I just have to stay the course. I will not be my own worst enemy anymore. I will not sabotage all my progress. It is progress, despite the long road ahead I have lost 21 pounds and lots (I haven't totaled up the inches) of inches.

So mirror do your best, I will push on. I have too.

{{Added about 2 minutes after posting!! I went to my journal and added up the inches lost~~~19 inches exactly~~~~YES, YES, YES)

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