Tomorrow I will also be making a huge pot of my Veggie, Veggie Soup Baby and that will be my food for the next several days. I will eat it until it is gone, so however long that takes. I will still cook for my family of course. ~Smile~ Then after I have a good jump start, I will be doing a low carb, high lean protein diet, with lots of yummy veggies and fruit. I will be striving to keep my calories within this range: 1,250-1,550. I am still doing my best to get off soda completely, but I am going to wean myself down, so I am going to diet soda and then hopefully soon, no soda at all. I WILL be drinking no less than 90 oz. of water per day. Because I believe in the power of herbal tea, I will also drink at least 2 cups per day, honey as a sweetener~I technically already do this, so this isn't really a change.
As for exercise, this is the real crux of the matter. I will be doing a good mix of strength training and cardio workouts. I really don't have trouble with the strength training, its the cardio that gets me. I am sore, I have sore joints and muscles and so flat out, cardio is painful. But cardio is also completely needed, it isn't an option. To lose this weight pain will be involved. I know this and I am on board, but my knees and hips are quite convinced. I have several workout DVD's (one is Jillian Michaels box set and it KILLS me), I also have a couple of walking DVD's and a Pilates Burn and Firm (which is MUCH harder than it sounds).
One of the best things I have in my arsenal of weapons is Spark People. If you are trying to lose weight, you should use this site! I love it! I have joined some teams and have made connections for support. I also join in on the challenges which is good for me because I am so competitive, so I stay motivated. It also has a calorie journal, as well as a fitness journal. I love it. I can keep track of what I'm eating (calories/fat/carbs/protein) as well as the calories I am burning. It also has a wealth of information for you to read through and keep you encouraged and motivated. Oh! And there are wonderful recipes you can find on there too!! I definitely consider spark people one of my fat blasting weapons!
So I realize that this doesn't lay out my plan for losing the first 25 pounds rep by rep per se, but it does give you an idea of what I am going to do! I have set the goal that I want the first 25 pounds gone by March 9th, my darling Hubs birthday. I know that kind of sounds like a long way away, but usually I set my goals so lofty that I fail and then I give up. So this time, I am giving myself enough time. If I get it done sooner, then YAY me, I refuse to set myself up to fail anymore! I also set to buy myself a little gift at the end of each 25 pounds. This first one is a new pair of tennis shoes. I am saving back a little money here and there so that when my goal is reached, I'll already have the money!
Happy fat blasting,